The following document outlines how to deploy and update the service application onto an existing Kubernetes deployment using the [Helm]( package manager.
## Prerequisites
The below software must be installed before continuing:
Additionally, an OSDU on AWS environment must be deployed.
@@ -34,20 +34,55 @@ To revert to a previous release, use the following command:
helm rollback [RELEASE] [REVISION] -n[NAMESPACE]
### Customizing the Deployment
Refer to the [Helm CLI guide]( for additional commands.
## Customizing the Deployment
It is possible to modify the default values specified in the **values.yaml** file using the --set option. The below parameters can be modified by advanced users to customize the deployment configuration:
### Globals
Global Helm values apply to all services within the parent chart deployment. Global values will not override service defaults or locally set values.
| Name | Example Value | Description | Type | Required |
| `global.accountID` | `000123456789` | The AWS account ID. | int | yes |
| `global.region` | `us-east-1` | The AWS region containing the OSDU deployment. | str | yes |
| `global.resourcePrefix` | `osdu` | The resource prefix of the OSDU deployment. | str | yes |
| `podAnnotations` | `podAnnotations.version=v1.0.0` | Additional annotations on the service pod | dict | no |
| `global.allowOrigins` | `{http://localhost,}` | A list of domains that are permitted by CORS policy. An empty list permits all origins. | array[str] | no |
| `global.metricsServerAddress` | `http://prometheus-service.monitoring:8080` | The URL of the accessible metrics server for evaluating autoscaling decisions. | str | no |
| `global.podAnnotations` | `podAnnotations.version=v1.0.0` | Additional annotations on the service pod | dict | no |
| `global.podSecurityContext` | `fsGroup: 1337` | The [pod security context]( apply to all containers in the pod | str | no |
| `global.securityContext` | `fsGroup: 1337` | The security context is the container specific security context. Will inherit [pod security context]( | str | no |
### Local
Local Helm values apply to specific services. Local Helm values will override global values and default presets.
| Name | Example Value | Description | Type | Required |
| `image` | `` | The custom image of the service deployment. | str | no |
| `imagePullPolicy` | `IfNotPresent` | The service image pull policy | str | no |
| `replicaCount` | `1` | The number of pod replicas to be deployed | int | no |
| `resources.limits.cpu` | `500M` | [CPU resource management limit for pods]( | str | no |
| `resources.limits.memory` | `900M` | [Memory resource management limit for pods]( | str | no |
| `resources.requests.cpu` | `500M` | [MemoCPUry resource management for pods]( | str | no |
| `resources.requests.memory` | `900M` | [Memory resource management for pods]( | str | no |
| `replicaCount` | `1` | The number of pod replicas to be initially deployed | int | no |
| `autoscaling.minReplicas` | `1` | Minimum number of pod replicas | int | no |
| `autoscaling.maxReplicas` | `100` | Maximum number of pod replicas | int | no |
| `autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage` | `80` | CPU utilization target | int | no |
| `autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage` | `80` | Memory utilization target | int | no |
| `autoscaling.ServiceRequestCountThreshold` | `25` | The number of requests per second threshold averaged over a minute to trigger a scaling event. | int | no |
| `autoscaling.ServiceRequestDurationAverage` | `300` | The response time measured in miliseconds averaged over 3 minutes to trigger a scaling event. | int | no |
| `autoscaling.coolDownPeriod` | `120` | The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0. Managed by Keda. | int | no |
| `autoscaling.pollingInterval` | `1` | This is the interval to check each trigger on. | int | no |
| `livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | `3` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | `10` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `livenessProbe.successThreshold` | `1` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | `1` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | `30` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | `3` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | `10` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `readinessProbe.successThreshold` | `1` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | `1` | [Kubernetes probe configuration]( | int | no |
| `maxPendingRequests` | `10000` | Maximum number of requests that will be queued while waiting for a ready connection pool connection. Used for circuit breaking. Used for [circuit breaking.]( | int | no |
| `maxRequestsPerConnection` | `100` | Maximum number of active requests to a destination. Used for [circuit breaking.]( | int | no |
| `maxConnections` | `0` | Maximum number of HTTP1 /TCP connections to a destination host. Used for [circuit breaking.]( | int | no |
| `podAnnotations` | `podAnnotations.version=v1.0.0` | Additional annotations on the service pod | dict | no |
| `podSecurityContext` | `fsGroup: 1337` | The [pod security context]( apply to all containers in the pod | str | no |
| `securityContext` | `fsGroup: 1337` | The security context is the container specific security context. Will inherit [pod security context]( | str | no |