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Deploy helm chart


This chart bootstraps a deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm package manager.


The code was tested on Kubernetes cluster (v1.21.11) with Istio (1.12.6)

It is possible to use other versions, but it hasn't been tested

Operation system

The code works in Debian-based Linux (Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04) and Windows WSL 2. Also, it works but is not guaranteed in Google Cloud Shell. All other operating systems, including macOS, are not verified and supported.


Packages are only needed for installation from a local computer.

  • HELM (version: v3.7.1 or higher) helm
  • Kubectl (version: v1.21.0 or higher) kubectl


Before installing deploy Helm chart you need to install configmap Helm chart. First you need to set variables in values.yaml file using any code editor. Some of the values are prefilled, but you need to specify some values as well. You can find more information about them below.

Configmap variables

Name Description Type Default Required
data.entitlementsHost entitlements host string "http://entitlements" yes
data.indexerQueueHost indexer-queue host string "http://indexer-queue" yes
data.logLevel logging level string INFO yes
data.partitionHost partition host string "http://partition" yes
data.schemaHost schema host string "http://schema" yes
data.securityHttpsCertificateTrust whether https is enabled boolean true yes
data.springProfilesActive active spring profile string gcp yes
data.storageHost storage host string "http://storage" yes
data.redisIndexerHost The host for redis instance. If empty (by default), helm installs an internal redis instance string - yes
data.redisIndexerPort The port for redis instance digit 6379 yes

Deploy variables

Name Description Type Default Required
data.requestsCpu amount of requested CPU string 480m yes
data.requestsMemory amount of requested memory string 700Mi yes
data.limitsCpu CPU limit string 1 yes
data.limitsMemory memory limit string 1G yes
data.image service image string - yes
data.imagePullPolicy when to pull image string IfNotPresent yes
data.serviceAccountName name of your service account string indexer yes
data.redisImage service image string redis:7 yes

Config variables

Name Description Type Default Required
conf.appName name of the app string indexer yes
conf.configmap configmap to be used string indexer-config yes
conf.elasticSecretName secret for elastic string indexer-elastic-secret yes
conf.keycloakSecretName secret for keycloak string indexer-keycloak-secret yes
conf.rabbitmqSecretName secret for rabbitmq string rabbitmq-secret yes
conf.onPremEnabled whether on-prem is enabled boolean false yes
conf.domain your domain string - yes
conf.indexerRedisSecretName indexer Redis secret that contains redis password with REDIS_PASSWORD key string indexer-redis-secret yes

ISTIO variables

Name Description Type Default Required
istio.proxyCPU CPU request for Envoy sidecars string 130m yes
istio.proxyCPULimit CPU limit for Envoy sidecars string 500m yes
istio.proxyMemory memory request for Envoy sidecars string 100Mi yes
istio.proxyMemoryLimit memory limit for Envoy sidecars string 512Mi yes

Install the helm chart

Run this command from within this directory:

helm install gc-indexer-deploy .

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the helm deployment:

helm uninstall gc-indexer-deploy
