# Default values for indexer-deploy.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# Configmap
entitlementsHost: "http://entitlements"
indexerQueueHost: "http://indexer-queue"
logLevel: "ERROR"
partitionHost: "http://partition"
schemaHost: "http://schema"
securityHttpsCertificateTrust: "true"
springProfilesActive: "gcp"
storageHost: "http://storage"
# Deployment
requestsMemory: "640M"
limitsCpu: "1"
limitsMemory: "1G"
imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
serviceAccountName: "indexer"
# redis connection. Change it if you want to use external redis
redisIndexerHost: ""
redisIndexerPort: 6379
redisImage: ""
configmap: "indexer-config"
elasticSecretName: "indexer-elastic-secret"
keycloakSecretName: "indexer-keycloak-secret"
rabbitmqSecretName: "rabbitmq-secret"
onPremEnabled: false
indexerRedisSecretName: "indexer-redis-secret"
proxyCPU: "25m"
proxyCPULimit: "200m"
proxyMemory: "64Mi"
proxyMemoryLimit: "256Mi"