Replace JaxRsDpsLog logging with SLF4J abstraction
All Submissions:
- [YES] I have added an explanation of what changes in this merge do and why we should include it?
- [NA] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
- [NA] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [YES] All new and existing tests passed.
- [YES] My code follows the code style of this project.
- [YES] I ran lint checks locally prior to submission.
What is the current behavior?
A number of classes in the core code use JaxRsDpsLog for application/trace logging. JaxRsDpsLog will no longer support application/trace logging in the future.
Issue: Common Logger Interface for Java
What is the new behavior?
The classes that use JaxRsDpsLog are updated to use the SLF4J abstraction directly for application/trace logging.
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- [YES]
CSP will need to configure the binding and logger framework (log4j, logback) for SLF4J. If no binding is found no the classpath, SLF4J will default to the no-binding implementation.
Any relevant logs, error output, etc?
Other information
Edited by Kelly Domico