Upgrade bootstrapping of initial accounts, added body to provisioning request
ADR: #110 (closed)
was upgraded to consume the request body, the endpoint method did not change since it already was a POST method.
The body is a list of alias mappings, it does not allow directly giving permissions to accounts, all alias mappings configurations should be provided in CSP resources:
"aliasMappings": [
"aliasId": "ALIAS_ID",
"userId": "my.account@email.com"
"aliasId": "ANY_OTHER_ALIAS_ID",
"userId": "other.account.@email.com"
Changes include:
Refactor (a non-breaking change that improves code maintainability). -
Bugfix (a non-breaking change that solves an issue). -
New feature (a non-breaking change that adds functionality). -
Breaking change (a change that is not backward-compatible and/or changes current functionality).
Changes in:
Common code
Edited by Rustam Lotsmanenko (EPAM)