Update subproject authorization from seistore service groups to datagroups
This merge request updates the subproject creation logic to use datagroups instead of seistore service groups.
Previously three groups namely seistore service admin, seistore service editor and seistore service viewer groups would get created during subproject registration.
With the changes associated with this MR, subproject registration will create a admin datagroup with the name data.sdms.tenantid.subprojectid.uuid.admin
and a viewer data group with name data.sdms.tenantid.subprojectid.uuid.viewer
Sample response for subproject registration would be
"name": "subproject-test",
"tenant": "k8s",
"ltag": "slb-public-usa-seistore-1",
"admin": "vmanohar@slb.com",
"acls": {
"admins": [
"viewers": [
"storage_class": "REGIONAL",
"storage_location": "US-CENTRAL1",
"gcs_bucket": "ss-evd-afdmb2k0s2qvelqr"
Compatibility with existing subprojects with seistore serivce groups and with no datagroups
For subprojects that pre-exist, the GET subproject would return the service groups as is and there will be no breaking changes.
"tenant": "k8s",
"storage_class": "REGIONAL",
"acls": {
"admins": [
"viewers": [
"admin": "vmanohar@slb.com",
"gcs_bucket": "ss-evd-it40dlb0vmfmhfcn",
"name": "oldsubproject",
"storage_location": "US-CENTRAL1",
"ltag": "legal-tag"
User addition to subprojects created using the changes in the MR
For all new subprojects, admin user addition takes place in data.sdms.[tenant].[subproject].uuid.admin
group and viewer user addition takes places in group data.sdms.[tenant].[subproject].[uuid].viewer
. Here the groups have the prefix of datagroup data.sdms
User addition to subproject that pre-exists
There will be no breaking change. For subproject that do not have data groups in their acls, the previous functionality remains as is with no change.
Admins are added to service.seistore.env.tenant.subproject.admin
group and
viewers are added to service.seistore.env.tenant.subproject.viewer
List users in various subproject groups
The user list endpoint is updated to fetch the details of users in all of seistore service groups and datagroups.
Merge request reports
added 1 commit
- 5508367a - Fix list users handler to return all the users in data and service groups
- Resolved by Varunkumar Manohar
- Resolved by Varunkumar Manohar
- Resolved by Varunkumar Manohar
added 72 commits
1e55dfe5...f97744b8 - 71 commits from branch
- 7f0bb86d - Merge branch 'master' into 'moveServiceToDataGroups'
1e55dfe5...f97744b8 - 71 commits from branch