Implement endpoints to CRUD formation resistivity index (record)
POST/api/rafs-ddms/formationresistivityindexes endpoint is implemented and available on Swagger
- User should be able to create the SamplesAnalysis WPC using new endpoint
- Successful response (200 status code) should create the SamplesAnalysis work product component
- SamplesAnalysis should be successfully created with:
- System Properties
- Data
- Metadata of existing inherited WKS OSDU schemas
- Schema from KB should be registered and validation should happen against it
- Structure of request and response should correspond to schema from KB documentation
- Existing SamplesAnalysesReport can be linked to SamplesAnalysis via the id in the array ParentSamplesAnalysesReportIDs
GET/api/rafs-ddms/formationresistivityindexes/{record_id} endpoint is implemented and available on Swagger
- User should be able to retrieve specific formationresistivityindexes WPC using the new endpoint
- Successful response (200 status code) should retrieve the specified record of SamplesAnalysis work product component with all existing metadata
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Structure of request and response should correspond to populated JSON from KB.
- User should be able to retrieve the particular version of the record with GET/api/rafs-ddms/formationresistivityindexes/{record_id}/{version}
DELETE /api/rafs-ddms/formationresistivityindexes/{record_id} endpoint is implemented and available on Swagger
- The user should be able to soft delete a record
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- 204 response should successfully indicate a deleted record
Click to expand
"id": "namespace:work-product-component--SamplesAnalysis:c69cf08a-ae35-5984-b855-f9b36ce1ea21",
"kind": "exxonmobil:rafsddms:work-product-component--SamplesAnalysis:1.0.0",
"version": 1562066009929332,
"acl": {
"owners": [
"viewers": [
"legal": {
"legaltags": [
"Example legaltags"
"otherRelevantDataCountries": [
"status": "compliant"
"tags": {
"NameOfKey": "String value"
"createTime": "2020-12-16T11:46:20.163Z",
"createUser": "",
"modifyTime": "2020-12-16T11:52:24.477Z",
"modifyUser": "",
"data": {
"SampleIDs": [
"ReportSampleIdentifiers": [
"AnalysisDate": "08-02-2013",
"LaboratoryIDs": [
"TBD Lab 1",
"TBD Lab 2"
"LaboratoryNames": [
"Weatherford Labs"
"Remarks": [
"Temperature 68F",
"Second Remark",
"Third Remark",
"DatePublished": "08-02-2016",
"ParentSamplesAnalysesReports": [
"RockSampleAnalysis": {
"RockSampleAnalysisFamilyID": "opendes:reference-data--SampleAnalysisFamily:BasicRockProperties"
"RockSampleAnalysisMethodID": "opendes:reference-data--SampleAnalysisMethod:TBD",
"RockSampleAnalysisMeasurementID": "opendes:reference-data--SampleAnalysisMeasurement:TBD",
"SamplesAnalysisTypeIDs": [
"SamplesAnalysisCategoryTagIDs": [
"Rock Compressibility",
"AvailableSampleAnalysisProperties": [
"DDMSDataset": [
"Measurements": "https://<vhostname> ddms/v1/formationresistivityindex/get_formationresistivityindex_data_record_id/45"
Edited by Mykhailo Buriak