To include Global Reference functionality and Complex Parent Data Mapping improvement
- Included Global Scope (HasGlobalScope) to validate the ExternalReferenceValueMapping is set for Data Provider specific or Global scope
- Added improvement in Parent data mapping to handle complex rules from source like below
- Example :
"SourceProperty": "data.GeoContexts.GeoTypeID:osdu:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:Country",
"TargetKind": "master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:1.1.0",
"TargetProperty": "data.GeoPoliticalEntityName",
"ReplaceProperty": "data.GeoContexts.GeoPoliticalEntityID"
- Added detailed comments on the complex and simple parent data mapping logic
- Created common function for the post_request logic
Edited by Jeyakumar Devarajulu