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To include Global Reference functionality and Complex Parent Data Mapping improvement

Jeyakumar Devarajulu requested to merge m25_reference_mapping into master
  1. Included Global Scope (HasGlobalScope) to validate the ExternalReferenceValueMapping is set for Data Provider specific or Global scope
  2. Added improvement in Parent data mapping to handle complex rules from source like below
    1. Example :
         "SourceProperty": "data.GeoContexts.GeoTypeID:osdu:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:Country",
         "TargetKind": "master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:1.1.0",
         "TargetProperty": "data.GeoPoliticalEntityName",
         "ReplaceProperty": "data.GeoContexts.GeoPoliticalEntityID"
  1. Added detailed comments on the complex and simple parent data mapping logic
  2. Created common function for the post_request logic
Edited by Jeyakumar Devarajulu

Merge request reports
