Gcp workflow osm(GONRG-3404)
Implementation of new common code design based on OSM framework.
How to test:
Functionality was tested with Datastore and Postgres integration tests passed.
Changes include:
Refactor (a non-breaking change that improves code maintainability). -
New feature (a non-breaking change that adds functionality).
Changes in:
Dev Checklist:
Added Unit Tests, wherever applicable. -
Updated the Readme, if applicable. -
Existing Tests pass -
Verified functionality locally -
Self Reviewed my code for formatting and complex business logic.
Other comments:
Migration cannot be done in one step, wanting to keep the current data structure (not model native), this MR includes several classes that can be removed later:
`@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "datastore.legacy.data.structure", havingValue = "true")`
OSM framework is currently not published to the community, and the package registry does not have an artifact of it, the build will fail until OSM is published.