Mapping structure enhancements
At present Mappings used by WKS service support only one operation and that is copy a attribute value from a raw record to its WKS record. User needs WKS mappings to support more complex operations such as
- Copy a JSON object from raw to WKS
- Copy value in to Json object or Json array in WKS
- Aggregate raw values
- Prioritize which raw value to copy in WKS etc...
To support such operations in future mappings structure is modified and changes to WKS service is made to make it extensible for future operations.
Some Concepts related to Mapping enhancements
- Mapping Definition - Definitions that contain mapping identity information and list of mapped attributes from the original schema to the target schema.
- Source Schema - The Source schema refers to the original structural representation of the data that is ingested.
- Target Schema - Target schema is the WKS schema to which the original data will be transformed.
- Operation - A mapping operation declares how and from where the value for a given target property name will be populated during WKS transformation. Mapping operation type defines the type of operation. In current version of the mapping service only two mapping operation types are supported: COPY and COPY SUBSTRUCTURE.
Edited by devesh bajpai