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ibm-deploy need statement

David Diederich requested to merge ibm-deploy-need into master

The CI configuration in ibm-deploy.yml is fragile, and can lead to invalid YAML errors in places.

For example, in File-DMS:

Found errors in your .gitlab-ci.yml:

    'ibm-preship-promote-release' job needs 'ibm-deploy' job
    but 'ibm-deploy' is not in any previous stage

ibm-deploy is configured with rules to disable based on IBM_SKIP_DEPLOY, IBM_BUILD_SUBDIR, IBM_OPENSHIFT_URL, and IBM_OPENSHIFT_TOKEN. This MR adds those same restrictions to ibm-preship-promote and ibm-preship-promote-release, in addition to the existing rules governing branch names.

Also, I made a few housekeeping changes -- trimming whitespace and using $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH instead of "master" -- new projects are setting the default to "main", so the variable is more correct.

Feel free to use, discard, or extract pieces from this MR. I don't have knowledge that your team does on how this is used, I just wanted to express my suggestion in an unambiguous and easily actionable format.

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