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Move helm charts publishing into the osdu-gcp files

David Diederich requested to merge divido-helm-suggestions into master

This MR is my suggested improvements for !255 (merged).

The helm charts are related to one particular cloud, so I don't want to appropriate the pages job (which is by its nature a global, shared resource) for creating them. Access to the files will come from the pipeline artifacts rather than the pages server.

For example, this pipeline from Legal demonstrates the new osdu-gcp-helm-charts job. To access the resulting index.yaml file, use the pipeline artifact URL:$PROJECT_PATH/-/jobs/artifacts/$REF/raw/helm-charts/index.yaml?job=osdu-gcp-helm-charts

Within the index.yaml file, the Job ID is directed embedded in the access urls, so that the download is more direct (doesn't involve a 302 redirect).

In addition to keeping the pages output free of cloud-specific logic, this also allows each reference (tag and branch) to have its own copy of the helm charts -- meaning you will not need to merge to the default branch in order to download them.

Edited by David Diederich

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