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  • David Diederich's avatar
    Updating GitLab Ultimate Scanners for GitLab 15.2 · 1aaf3500
    David Diederich authored
    This version of GitLab renamed the job template to 'cyclonedx-reports' (instead of 'cyclone-dx-reports').
    We need to have this here because we are trying to add a new "base class" for the gemnasium job, and GitLab CI doesn't let you add
    one, only replace the list.
    Updating GitLab Ultimate Scanners for GitLab 15.2
    David Diederich authored
    This version of GitLab renamed the job template to 'cyclonedx-reports' (instead of 'cyclone-dx-reports').
    We need to have this here because we are trying to add a new "base class" for the gemnasium job, and GitLab CI doesn't let you add
    one, only replace the list.