osdu/platform/data-flow/ingestion/osdu-ingestion-lib!24 M16 - Release 0.19
feat(schema): added schema infos req 1 of 6 checklist items completedosdu/platform/system/sdks/common-python-sdk!78
osdu/platform/data-flow/ingestion/csv-parser/csv-parser!258 M16 - Release 0.19
osdu/platform/system/indexer-service!438 M18 - Release 0.21
Swagger Sanity Phase 2: Using springdoc-openapi for swaggers APIs 5 of 6 checklist items completedosdu/platform/system/storage!509
Add on behalf of header to Base Clients 1 of 5 checklist items completedosdu/platform/system/sdks/common-python-sdk!66 M16 - Release 0.19
osdu/platform/data-flow/ingestion/ingestion-workflow!285 M16 - Release 0.19
osdu/platform/data-flow/ingestion/ingestion-workflow!313 M16 - Release 0.19