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updated tests to support for http

Hema Vishnu Pola [Microsoft] requested to merge hepola/serach-http into master

All Submissions:

  • [YES] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
  • [YES] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • [YES/NO/NA] I have added tests to cover my changes.
  • [YES/NO/NA] All new and existing tests passed.

Current Behavior or Linked Issues

Issue details: home#39

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [NO] This doesn't bring in any breaking changes.

Other information

  • updated to use new azure core lib
  • updated tests to support for http connection to search through configuration parameter.

Note: Added the dependent MRs in the "Merge request dependencies" section seen below. (Seen as "Depends on 'n' merge request..." ----------- Expand below).

Edited by Hema Vishnu Pola [Microsoft]

Merge request reports