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Slb put errormsgfix

Abhishek Kumar (SLB) requested to merge slb-put-errormsgfix into master


When the user tries to create/update a schema using PUT API, the application tries to update the schema into the same tenant. If there is no schema found, it tries to create the schema with the same id. However, while creating the schema it checks for its existence into the other schemas as well. For example, if the schema is created from PRIVATE tenant then it checks for the duplicate schema in COMMON tenant, and in another scenario, if the schema is created from COMMON tenant then it checks for the duplicate schema in all the private tenants.

Steps to reproduce

Create a schema that doesn't exist in the same tenant (PRIVATE) but in the common tenant.

What is the current bug behavior?

Currently, the error message returned is misleading which states:

"Schema Id is already present"

What is the expected correct behavior?

The expected error message would be: "

Update/Create failed because schema id is present in another tenant"

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