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Update format of x-collaboration header

Mina Otgonbold requested to merge x-collaboration into master

Type of change

  • Bug Fix
  • Feature

Does this introduce a change in the core logic?

  • [NO]

Does this introduce a change in the cloud provider implementation, if so which cloud?

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • GCP
  • IBM

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [NO]

What is the current behavior?

The format of x-collaboration header is: "x-collaboration": "x-collaboration:id=1e1c4e74-3b9b-4b17-a0d5-67766558ec65,application=Test App"

What is the new/expected behavior?

The format of x-collaboration header will be: "x-collaboration": "id=1e1c4e74-3b9b-4b17-a0d5-67766558ec65,application=Test App"

Have you added/updated Unit Tests and Integration Tests?


Edited by Mina Otgonbold

Merge request reports
