coreservices upgrade containing blob storage and file datalake
All Submissions:
- [YES] I have added an explanation of what changes in this merge do and why we should include it?
- [YES] All new and existing tests passed.
- [YES] My code follows the code style of this project.
- [YES] I ran lint checks locally prior to submission.
What is the issue or story related to the change?
For the Azure Blob Storage, we are using the SDK version:- 12.14.2(2021-11-10).The latest SDK version is:- 12.19.1 (2022-09-12) azure-blob-storage SDK version, So, upgraded the same. Since, Intermittent 500s were coming due to azure blob throwing 400, so needed to upgrade the Azure Blob Storage. Upgrading the same added some more dependencies.
Test coverage:
ran Service IT's locally