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Merge branch 'GONRG-5041-refactor-entitlements-bootstrap-script' into 'master'

Oleksandr Kosse (EPAM) requested to merge cherry-pick-f01ec557 into release/0.15

GONRG-5041: Refactor entitlements bootstrap script

See merge request !259 (merged)

(cherry picked from commit f01ec557)

fa09f968 creating initial messages about status code 950d4e61 created missing condition and fixed token names bba5b6c7 inserted exit from functions in case of failure ab85999e fixed typo with set f9bf4fd2 refactored code and extracted message from curl requests 3413d2af refactored code to handle all status codes and print out the curl output if... a99cdd95 set to print output also when entitlements provisioning failed b6251be8 specifed more accurate error messages bb8d2d93 fixed typos in printed texts 70885e08 Merge branch 'master' of... 31f90eb8 updated from master branch and deleted unused flag 178919b5 extended script with silent flags and fixed typo d8b77e27 refactored script to not perform the same request twice 5b4c995d Merge branch 'master' of... 7352983a uptated branch from master b89475dd deleted exit from if statement and commented out clearing output file for testing purposes 613de1f9 deleted 'set +e' before requests and deleted if statement after provisinong in gcp func 64420401 fixed "set -ex" at the top de658d53 fixed first request in gcp func to not write out status code 35b92b81 refactored to print out status code even if it's not checked after fc54dbb8 fixed to actually print status code 1c9791f6 fixed status code issue while obtaining group list and commented out exit to test it a9a88bcb fixed output wiping and filtered group list while creating it 6fdc5751 deleted -e flag from filtering d9f06695 deleted filtering because of error 54baf8d2 fixed grep to exclude old partition ID 492bcf4a checking it without emptying the output file bf43b877 inserted line to cat output file in console df9d2427 one last check c0db90b2 grepping failed after jq so trying to delete unnecessary lines with sed 7e655523 last try with exiting on wrong http response accea102 testing if output file is created 92feeb4d set to delete outpu filet after catting it out 91ec0e20 set to delete output file after checking fe0f039e Merge branch 'master' of... b5bd0111 updated from master branch

Merge request reports