ADR: Get All Partition Groups
Context & Scope
There is no option ATM to get all created groups in a partition
- #90 (closed). We are proposing a new GET "/groups/all" endpoint for this.
Trade-off Analysis
There doesn't seem to be much room for trade-off here. We need such an endpoint for admin purposes and we have not got it.
- Create a new GET "/groups/all" endpoint (in the ListGroupApi controller) to get all groups created in the partition.
- Permit it for only "users.datalake.ops" and "service.entitlements.admin" roles.
- Provide an optional filter by group type (SERVICE | USERS | DATA)
- Provide optional limit and cursor params for paging and offset
Updated 6/7/22 based on the discussion and in accordance with the decisions made that do not break the initially approved ADR
Nothing special
Edited by Rostislav Dublin (EPAM)