[For MSFT Team Review] add "not" operator
[Internal PR, target branch is not master
Updates description?
Support for 'not' operator
How to test
Test with the http://localhost:5000/seistore-svc/api/v3/swagger-ui.html/#/Dataset/dataset-list-post. The example body can be tweaked.
- Make sure that there are datasets with name beginning with "W" tagA and these are not returned.
{ "search": "name=W%", "select": "[name, path, created_by, gtags]", "filter": { "not": { "property": "gtags", "operator": "CONTAINS", "value": "tagA" } } }
- Make sure that there are datasets with name benginning with "W" and the following tags: [tagA], [tagB], [tagA, tagB], [tagB, tagC], tagB. The following payload should return datasets that contain [tagB], tagB, and [tagB, tagC].
{ "search": "name=W%", "select": "[name, path, created_by, gtags]", "filter": { "and": [ { "property": "gtags", "operator": "CONTAINS", "value": "tagB" }, { "property": "name", "operator": "LIKE", "value": "W%" }, { "not": { "property": "gtags", "operator": "CONTAINS", "value": "tagA" } } ] } }
Please be aware that using limit does not work with the Sidecar at the moment (this is tracked).
Edited by Laura Damian