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centos 7, static deps DEV container : build curl with c-ares and nghttp2.

Anthony Lichnewsky requested to merge slb/al/update-containers into master

generate a manifest in /versions.json that contain ( along with all the other docker labels ) all software versions and url built here. I use that to package them separately later on.

 "zlib": { "version" : "1.2.11", "url" : "" },
 "openssl": { "version" : "1.1.1g", "url" : "" },
 "libuuid": { "version" : "1.0.3", "url" : "" },
 "c_ares": { "version" : "1_14_0", "url" : "" },
 "nghttp2": { "version" : "1.42.0", "url" : "" },
 "curl": { "version" : "7.74.0", "url" : "" },
 "boost": { "version" : "1.73.0", "url" : "" },
 "xz": { "version" : "e7da44d", "url" : "" },
 "libxml2": { "version" : "2.9.10", "url" : "" },
 "cpprest": { "version" : "2.10.16", "url" : "" },
 "azurestorage": { "version" : "7.5.0", "url" : "" },
 "azure_sdk_for_cpp": { "version" : "12.0.0-beta.10", "url" : "" },
 "aws_sdk_cpp": { "version" : "1.8.123", "url" : "" },
 "crc32c": { "version" : "1.1.1", "url" : "" },
 "protobuf": { "version" : "3.11.3", "url" : "" },
 "abseil_cpp": { "version" : "20200225.2", "url" : "" },
 "grpc": { "version" : "1.29.1", "url" : "" },
 "nlohmann_json": { "version" : "v3.9.1", "url" : "" },
 "google_cloud_cpp": { "version" : "1.22.0", "url" : "" },
 "cpr": { "version" : "1.6.0", "url" : "" },
 "crow": { "version" : "4e801d0", "url" : "" }

considering making that the non-dev version. It contains all the libraries needed including the ones for AWS and GCP experimental providers.

Merge request reports