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Merge changes for release 3.4.3

Morten Ofstad requested to merge feature/morten.ofstad/Release3.4.3 into 3.4
  • Add validation of channel names when creating a VDS.
  • Add a new ConfigureThreadCount() helper function in ThreadPool.h and use it to make the thread count for the IOManagerAzureSdkForCpp configurable via the OPENVDS_AZURE_IOMANAGER_THREAD_COUNT environment variable.
  • Fix the parameters passed to the Python wrapper for requestProjectedVolumeSubset so they match the native method.
  • Remove broken compare function from VolumeDataChunk and change pendingDownloadRequests to be an unordered_map instead of map. Add a unique identifier to the VDS handle and use it to make the VolumeDataChunk hash function robust (if we were to make a data structure that contained chunks from different VDSs).
  • set windows wheels binary folder
  • Support NaN in Float/Double metadata.
  • Validate channel value ranges and axis coordinates when creating a VDS.
  • Check that the number of components in the serialized data is valid (matches the number of components of the layer) before deserializing.
  • Update documentation to make it clear how units are expected to be used in VDS metadata and how to handle the situatioen where the unit of the CRS differs from the unit of the survey coordinates.

Merge request reports