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Gmartins/import new data to existing dataspace

Gilson Martins requested to merge gmartins/import_to_existing_dataspace into main

Type of change

  • Bug Fix
  • Feature

Does this introduce a change in the core logic?

  • [Yes]

Does this introduce a change in the cloud provider implementation, if so which cloud?

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • GCP
  • IBM

Updates description?

Issue #126 New flag (--reject-duplicates) to ignore files that are already there and reject the import if any incoming has conflicts.


Same GUID and same date: just ignore (will not import this one) - already in db Same GUID and diff date: conflict - reject import Different GUID: normal behavior

If flag not applied then we have the normal behavior!

This MR has also a bit of rework to organize the Client lib

Edited by Gilson Martins

Merge request reports