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[GONRG-6174] DF Release Pipeline improvement

Sample pipeline:

Refactoring of release pipeline that is used for partially automating DF release.

Conditions to run:

  • Running on release branch with SHORT_TAG variable (e.g. 0.19)

How it works:

  1. gather-release-information job uses python script to gather information about release status and artifact versions for each service

The output of the job is json with the following format:

        "last_release_branch": "release/0.19",
        "last_release_tag": "-",
        "image_tag": "bd27a5fa",
        "helm_version": "0.19.0-release",
        "is_released": true,
        "has_release_tag": false,
        "type": "service",
        "service_name": "indexer"
  1. modify-release-files job takes output as previous job as its input and modifies release files for both DF

Files modified:

  OUTPUT_TF_DAG_VERSIONS_FILE: "./modules/osdu/"
  OUTPUT_TF_HELM_VERSIONS_FILE: "./modules/osdu/"
  OUTPUT_CHART_FILE: "./helm/osdu-infra-onprem/Chart.yaml"
  1. make-release-merge-request job creates MR for release branch with changes to files made by previous job
Edited by Danylo Vanin (EPAM)

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