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Draft: Revert "Merge branch 'revert-c5217c27' into 'azure/m16-master'"

Himanshu Kumrawat requested to merge revert-97d21e68 into azure/m16-master

All Submissions:

  • [YES/NO] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
  • [YES/NO] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • [YES/NO/NA] My code follows the code style of this project.

Current Behavior or Linked Issues

Currently the deployment job initializes partition and entitlements. Will be extending its functionality to be capable to remove partition data. Will be extending it further to be able to delete entitlements in the future.

Original MR: Upgrading deployment job by adding partition removing capability. (!889)

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [YES/NO]

Other information

Edited by Himanshu Kumrawat

Merge request reports