Upgrade AKS to 1.24
All Submissions:
- [YES] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them? Added docs on how to proceed with AKS upgrade
- [YES] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
- [YES] My code follows the code style of this project.
Current Behavior or Linked Issues
- AKS running in v0.21.7 which has being deprecated by Microsoft.
- Go cache implemented in azure pipeline for faster azure devops executions.
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- [YES]
Described already in documentation, break changes are mostly in the application side, istio, agic, cert-manager, pod-identity and keda, if this is planned to be applied in brownfield deployment, need to update application first.
Other information
- AKS Upgrade from 1.21.x to _1.24.0 One-minor-release-upgrade
- AKS Upgrade WARN: Minor upgrades version cannot be skipped, need to change aks version variable several times if you plan to upgrade from 1.21.x to 1.24.x, I.E 1.21.x -> 1.22.x -> 1.23.x -> 1.24.x.
- Consider azure recommendations while upgrading AKS considerations doc
- Setup surge on nodes ()
- Check your subscription limits (cpu and memory for new surge nodes)
- Upgrade speed will rely on this setting, it can take up to 40m for 5 nodes, therefore, for 40 nodes it might take up to 3hrs, if surge it is not set in the nodepools.
- Need to use latest osdu-istio m12, as the CRD's will be deprecated, most likely you may found issue, which can be resolved by re-installing istio helm charts.
- base-1.2.0
- istio-operator-1.8.0
- osdu-istio-1.1.6
- OSDU charts will not work anymore if are not greater than v0.15.0 (m12)
- If you want to avoid downtime, would recommend first to upgrade istio, cert-manager, agic, and keda first prior to continue with the infrastructure upgrade.
- Istio can be upgraded through helm charts
- cert-manager and agic either with helm commands or
terraform -target
to isolate the upgrade.
- If you're still using KEDA1 - Upgrade manually to keda2. Follow this Documentation to do it: Keda Upgrade
Closes #232 (closed)