Update docs/dns-setup.md
Infrastructure Submissions:
- [YES] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
- [YES] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
- [YES] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [NA] All new and existing tests passed.
- [NA] I have formatted the terraform code. (
terraform fmt -recursive && go fmt ./...
Current Behavior or Linked Issues
Current command doesn't return RG needed to get IP on the next command.
~/infra-azure-provisioning$ RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az group list --query "[?contains(name, '${UNIQUE}sr')].name" -otsv |grep -v MC)
~/infra-azure-provisioning$ echo $RESOURCE_GROUP
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- [NO]
Other information
Using "sr" as a suffix the command returns no RG. Switching "sr" as a prefix does return the RG needed to fetch IP on the next command.
~/infra-azure-provisioning$ RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az group list --query "[?contains(name, 'sr${UNIQUE}')].name" -otsv |grep -v MC)
~/infra-azure-provisioning$ echo $RESOURCE_GROUP
~/infra-azure-provisioning$ az network public-ip list --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query [].ipAddress -otsv