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Added dashboard templates for airflow infra, service and dags

Mayank Saggar [Microsoft] requested to merge airflow-dashboards into master

Infrastructure Submissions:

  • [YES] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
  • [NA] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • [NO] I have added tests to cover my changes.
  • [YES] All new and existing tests passed.
  • [YES] I have formatted the terraform code. (terraform fmt -recursive && go fmt ./...)

Current Behavior or Linked Issues

Currently there are no airflow specific dashboards.

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • No

Other information

Three dashboards, one for airflow infra, one for airflow service and one for airflow dags will be deployed. The infra and service dashboards would be viewable at data partition level, whereas the dags dashboard would be viewable at data-partition and dag level. The dashboards as vanilla have all filters at none so if you want to see particular to partition you need to select the partition id in the filter. In the below images the filters are highlighted in red boxes and are set to show all the values in each filter specified.







Edited by Mayank Saggar [Microsoft]

Merge request reports