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Master branch move officially to alpine-zulu17 image version 0.0.5

Daniel Scholl requested to merge vulnerabilities into main

Research uncovered that as part of the migration from Java 8 to Java 17 services for azure were using a branch (protected) of jdk17 to support services that were on 17 and master for services that were on Java 8.

This migration effort has been completed and this PR is changing the main branch now to be jdk17 by default. As part of vulnerability fixing for Azure Provider efforts the provider/azure service CI/CD pipelines will move back toward using master.

The following MR alpine-zulu17!7 (merged) has the latest version of OS patches and App Insights fixes for base container support.

Note: This was the initial MR for this work. !9 (closed)

Edited by Daniel Scholl

Merge request reports
