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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • ADRRejected
    OSDU Software
    A decision that has been rejected for various technical and business reasons
  • ADRRetired
    OSDU Software
    An implemented solution that has been marked as retired/obsolete
  • ADRTrialing
    OSDU Software
    A trialing prototype that has been spiked while pending final approval for the ADR. This step is needed for complex proposal that is hard to estimate on paper.
  • ADRUnder review
    OSDU Software
    The ADR has been raised in the community and respective contributor members have been notified to provide feedback and reviews.
  • IssueTesting Improvement
    OSDU Software
    This issue relates to improving or introducing unit testing, integration, or automation in code testing
  • MRDependencies Upgrade
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating version upgrade of libs
  • IssueEnhancement Request
    OSDU Software
    An enhancement may be made to address specific user needs or requests, or they may be made to address broader goals, such as increasing the efficiency or effectiveness of the software. May or may not require an ADR depending on the nature of the change. This applies to improving or enhancing existing software behavior only, without introducing new features.
  • M23
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M23 milestone
  • Hotfix
    OSDU Software
    This label is used to indicate cherry picks into previous releases for fixing an issue, this is for backporting patches in up to N-2 releases.
  • M22
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M22 milestone
  • P&WS
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
  • Platform Stability
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
  • Platform Standardization
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
  • M17
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M17 milestone
  • Platform UX Improvement
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
  • Platform Capability
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
  • ImpactMajor
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
    Used on MRs that have breaking changes, therefore requiring a major version bump on the next release.
  • ImpactMinor
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
    Used on MRs that have backwards-compatible new features, therefore requiring a minor version bump on the next release.
  • ImpactPatch
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
    Used on MRs that have bugfixes or optimizations with no changes to features, therefore requiring a patch version bump on the next release.