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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • M15
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M15 milestone
  • MRNew Feature
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating new feature change, generally requires accompanying ADR
  • Documentation
    OSDU Software
    This issue / MR captures a change in documentation
  • MRTesting
    OSDU Software
    This MR relates to changes for unit, integration, etc. testing
  • MRRefactor
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating work related to code clean ups/refactoring/optimization
  • MRDevOps
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating CICD related / DevOps changes for release management
  • MRNotice Update
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating FOSSA notice update
  • Cherry-pick
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating cherry picks
  • MRDependencies Upgrade
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating version upgrade of libs
  • MRDocumentation Update
    OSDU Software
    Merge request related to documentation only
  • M16
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M16 milestone
  • M17
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M17 milestone
  • SeverityCritical
    OSDU Software
    This defect indicates complete shut-down of the process, nothing can proceed further and constitutes a breaking defect
  • SeverityMajor
    OSDU Software
    This defects is a major issue but certain parts of the system remain functional.
  • SeverityMedium
    OSDU Software
    This defect has medium impact, no breaking workflow/no data loss, high/medium security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists and should be fixed after high priority
  • SeverityLow
    OSDU Software
    This defect is low impact, no breaking workflow/any workflow, medium/low security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists
  • IssueInactive
    OSDU Software
    This issue requires further information but lack of responses from submitter. Close after inactivity for more than 6 months.
  • IssueDuplicate
    OSDU Software
    This label indicates that the issue is a duplicate and there has been a related issue created
  • Hotfix
    OSDU Software
    This label is used to indicate cherry picks into previous releases for fixing an issue, this is for backporting patches in up to N-2 releases.
  • MRRevert
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating reverting change