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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • ADRApproved
    OSDU Software
    A decision that has been approved for an ADR, issue needs to be accompanied by Progress label KB::In Progress, KB::Done
  • ADRProposed
    OSDU Software
    A proposed solution for an issue that requires deliberation and changing of existing behavior
  • EDS_UnitTests
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label highlights that unit test cases are being written for the issue
  • ADRUnder review
    OSDU Software
    The ADR has been raised in the community and respective contributor members have been notified to provide feedback and reviews.
  • EDS_MRApproved
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label marks the successful merging of the code into the master branch
  • EDS
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources / Core External Data Workflow DAGs
  • Ingestion Framework
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
  • EDS_MRToMaster
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label signals that a merge request (MR) has been raised to the master branch
  • IssueADR
    OSDU Software
    An Architectural Decision Record (ADR) is a result of an issue backlog on feature request/enhancement, defect fixing, or a new OSDU standard that has triggered the need for a new design (perhaps requiring new technology selections, architecture patterns)
  • EDS_Documentation
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label identifies issues that require documentation to be created or updated
  • IssueRefactor
    OSDU Software
    Issue regarding work related to code clean ups/refactoring/optimization
  • EDS_InDevelopment
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label highlights the issue is being actively worked on by the development team.
  • IssueTesting Improvement
    OSDU Software
    This issue relates to improving or introducing unit testing, integration, or automation in code testing
  • EDS_PreshipTesting
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label denotes that Preship testing in the Preshipping environments(GC/AWS/Azure/IBM/RI) is underway.
  • KBBacklog
    OSDU Software
    Issue life cycle label: Label applied to indicate that issues are confirmed, but no active work are in progress. Pending volunteers to pick up.
  • EDS_DevTesting_Primary
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label indicates that primary testing in the development environment is in progress. The Primary developer is conducting initial testing in the development environment.
  • MRDevOps
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating CICD related / DevOps changes for release management
  • EDS_DevTesting_Secondary
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label denotes that secondary testing in the development environment is underway. Secondary developer (or QA) is performing additional testing in the development environment.
  • MRDependencies Upgrade
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating version upgrade of libs/dependencies
  • EDS_FinalReviewAndApproval
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label signifies that the code is undergoing Final review stage and it will be approved once it is good to go
  • MRBugfix
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating fix for defect, software error, unintended behavior, flaw or fault within the code
  • EDS_PeerReviewAndApproval
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
    This label indicates that the code is undergoing peer code review and it will be approved once it is good to go
  • MRNew Feature
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating new feature change, generally requires accompanying ADR
  • MRRefactor
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating work related to code clean ups/refactoring/optimization
  • MRTesting
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicting changes for unit, integration, etc. testing
  • PriorityCritical
    OSDU Software
    Catastrophic issue identified - Severe impact, contain breaking workflow/data loss, zero-day/critical security vulnerabilities No workaround and should be fixed as an immediate priority Need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle as soon as a fix is available
  • PriorityHigh
    OSDU Software
    Major issue identified - High impact, might contain breaking workflow/data loss, critical/high security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists but should be fixed as the next priority Might need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle/N+1 milestone release
  • PriorityLow
    OSDU Software
    Minor issue identified - Low impact, no breaking workflow/any workflow, medium/low security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists Can be released in N+1 or more milestone releases
  • PriorityMedium
    OSDU Software
    Serious issue identified - Medium impact, no breaking workflow/no data loss, high/medium security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists and should be fixed after high priority Can be released in N+1 milestone release
  • Technical Debt
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
  • Other labels

  • ADRRejected
    OSDU Software
    A decision that has been rejected for various technical and business reasons
  • ADRRetired
    OSDU Software
    An implemented solution that has been marked as retired/obsolete
  • ADRTrialing
    OSDU Software
    A trialing prototype that has been spiked while pending final approval for the ADR. This step is needed for complex proposal that is hard to estimate on paper.
  • Auto Close
    OSDU Software
    Label for issues closed by script or automated processes
  • AWS
    OSDU Software
    This issue / MR affects the AWS Cloud Platform
  • Azure
    OSDU Software
    This issue / MR affects the Azure Cloud Platform
  • blocking
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources / Core External Data Workflow DAGs
  • Cherry-pick
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating cherry picks
  • Common Code
    OSDU Software
    This issue / MR affects the common code
  • CSV Ingestion
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
  • DDMS
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
    Component related to DDMS
  • Direct patch
    OSDU Software
    This label is used to indicate a MR that is a direct patch into a release branch for fixing an issue without a merge in main/master branch
  • Documentation
    OSDU Software
    This issue / MR captures a change in documentation
  • Doing
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion
  • EDS_CodeScanning
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources
  • Energistics Ingestion
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
  • Energistics Integration
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
    Tasks associated with supporting Energistics standards.
  • Enrich Data
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
  • GC
    OSDU Software
    This issue / MR affects the Google Cloud Platform
  • Horizon 1
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow