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Labels 125

  • A feature request is an issue that is either a new requirement that needs software changes, new feature development (perhaps requiring new repos, sub-projects or new PMC projects). This request needs to follow an ADR that provides enough clarity on the requirement, the definition of done, impact of changes and other necessary attributes so the issue can be curated and moved up in life cycle. May require an entry in Aha portal.
  • GC
    This issue / MR affects the Google Cloud Platform
  • IBM
    This issue / MR affects the IBM Implementation on Open Shift
  • Azure
    This issue / MR affects the Azure Cloud Platform
  • AWS
    This issue / MR affects the AWS Cloud Platform
  • This issue / MR affects the common code
  • Any issues that need discovery / evaluation to get team to starting point, will be part of this title
  • A process decision record (PDR) is a result of an process inefficiency where a new OSDU practice that has agreed to address the existing process inefficiency (perhaps requiring new process, operation patterns)
  • no-detached-pipeline
    OSDU / OSDU Data Platform
    "no-detached-pipeline" label for the committer pipeline
  • The ADR has been raised in the community and respective contributor members have been notified to provide feedback and reviews.
  • A trialing prototype that has been spiked while pending final approval for the ADR. This step is needed for complex proposal that is hard to estimate on paper.
  • ADRRetired
    An implemented solution that has been marked as retired/obsolete
  • A decision that has been rejected for various technical and business reasons
  • IssueADR
    An Architectural Decision Record (ADR) is a result of an issue backlog on feature request/enhancement, defect fixing, or a new OSDU standard that has triggered the need for a new design (perhaps requiring new technology selections, architecture patterns)
  • A proposed solution for an issue that requires deliberation and changing of existing behavior
  • A decision that has been approved for an ADR, issue needs to be accompanied by Progress label KB::In Progress, KB::Done
  • R2 Backlog
    OSDU / OSDU Data Platform
    This is an item that is carried over from the R2 implementation to R3.