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  • Gregory Harris's avatar
    Rebase with squash. · 9516364e
    Gregory Harris authored
    Add a basic configurable remapping capability.
    Flake8 files
    Adding validation exception
    Rename mapper
    Reverse the mapping definition
    Adding support for getting data from Configuration on mapping.
    Capability to perform some complex remappings performing function and array operation.
    Moving methods into the object_manipulation module from the property mapping module.
    rename object_manipulation module to reflection_utilities
    Moving ObjectManipulationAttributeError to the exceptions module and renaming to WbdutilAttributeError.
    Exception renames
    Removing ExtensibleEntity. Switching to dictionary rather than using the extendable object.
    Add a test to illustrate a welllog remapping.
    Implement default soft mapping for wellbore.
    Removing AttributeBuilder
    Fixing test
    flake8 fixes
    Fix the example mappings
    Adding the welllog and wellbore mappings to the Configuration
    Refactor the Record class so that it simply wraps a Dict
    Bugfixes and renaming ObjectManipulation to ReflectionHelper.
    Add some tests for reflection utilities and tidy up.
    Updating the readme to cover custom data mappings.
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