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#394 Move Apache Identity provider to separate maven module

Dmitrii Novikov (EPAM) requested to merge apache-oauth2-client-module into master

Type of change

  • Bug Fix
  • Feature

#394 (closed)

Does this introduce a change in the core logic?

  • [YES]

Does this introduce a change in the cloud provider implementation, if so which cloud?

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • GCP
  • IBM

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [YES]

There is one more step to take to align geospatial service with OSDU standards. We suggest moving IAuthenticate Apache oauth 2 client implementation org.osdu.gcz.transformer.repository.osdu.Authenticate to separate maven module.

This change follows the next goals:

  1. Make the core module cloud-agnostic and prepare it for all cloud provider usage. Currently, none of the cloud providers use Apache OAuth 2 clients to get tokens. GC uses Google's identity provider, Azure uses Azure's identity provider, etc.
  2. Keep existing implementation in the same state as possible.
  3. Adjust pipeline for all cloud providers usage: common compile and build step, but separate conterize and deploy step. Because each provider has its own application config and deployment environment.

This MR contains:

  • Created child maven module gcz-apache.
  • Moved org.osdu.gcz.transformer.repository.osdu.Authenticate and @SpringBootApplication classes to this module, as soon as, this only cloud specific logic at current service state.
  • Moved context-dependent tests to the new module

We need assistance to adjust existing tests and pipeline to use new application entry point.

Merge request reports