Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 85
An enhancement may be made to address specific user needs or requests, or they may be made to address broader goals, such as increasing the efficiency or effectiveness of the software. May or may not require an ADR depending on the nature of the change. This applies to improving or enhancing existing software behavior only, without introducing new features.
A feature request is an issue that is either a new requirement that needs software changes, new feature development (perhaps requiring new repos, sub-projects or new PMC projects). This request needs to follow an ADR that provides enough clarity on the requirement, the definition of done, impact of changes and other necessary attributes so the issue can be curated and moved up in life cycle. May require an entry in Aha portal.
This issue requires further information but lack of responses from submitter. Close after inactivity for more than 6 months.
This issue has been reviewed and confirmed that it is not an issue but rather an intended behavior/operational issue/basic query.
A process decision record (PDR) is a result of an process inefficiency where a new OSDU practice that has agreed to address the existing process inefficiency (perhaps requiring new process, operation patterns)
Issue regarding work related to code clean ups/refactoring/optimization
A task is an issue where developers use to track the ongoing activities, e.g. could be a clean up. Not necessarily a defect or backlog.
This issue relates to improving or introducing unit testing, integration, or automation in code testing
This issue needs to be confirmed if this is the intended behavior of the service
Issue life cycle label: Label applied to indicate that issues are confirmed, but no active work are in progress. Pending volunteers to pick up.
Issue life cycle label: These are activities that have been completed
Issue life cycle label: This is where the work is happening
Issue life cycle label: These are activities that have been placed on hold, either because of a blocking factor or displaced by a higher priority
These are the activities that have been prioritized to start next