Consolidation of derivation rules on Section B.3.1 (second part)
PDR3 and PDR4 could be combined in one as below:
- PDR3 from "If two relationships p(a,b):S and q(a,c):T exist, with S being Specialization and T being a structural, dependency, or dynamic relationship, then a relation r(b,c):T might be derivable." to "If two relationships p(a,b):S and q(a,c):T exist, with S being Specialization and T being a structural, dependency, or dynamic relationship, then a relation r(b,c):T, with the same direction as q, might be derivable."
- remove PDR4
- from "Example 52: Potential Derivation from Another Relationship and a Specialization in Line" to "Example 52: Potential Derivation from Another Relationship and a Specialization in Opposite Derection"
Edited by Antonio Plais