Minor changes on Section 10.3.4
If the proposed reordering is accepted this section becomes 10.3.5
For better readability:
- from "A technology event represents a technology state change." to "A technology event represents something that happens or occurs with the technology, especially something significant or noteworthy, such as a technology state change or an execution error."
- from "Technology functions and other technology behavior may be triggered..." to "Technology behavior may be triggered ..."
- from "Technology functions may raise events..." to "Also, technology behavior may raise events..."
- from "Unlike processes, functions, and interactions, an event is instantaneous..." to "Unlike internal behavior, an event is instantaneous..."
- from "...but also internal events may occur generated by other devices within the organization." to "...but also internal events may occur generated by technology internal structure elements within the organization."
Edited by Antonio Plais