feedback on CRS api/crs/catalog/v3/area-of-use
as described in #39 (closed) but isolating here so we can finalize this endpoint and deploy it for M12.
The endpoint name "area-of-use" is unclear. The function checks if given input points are inside the area of use. Can we think of a better name like "check-if-points-are-inside-aou" or "is-point-inside-aou"? I do not know conventions, but I would suspect that it returns the aou based on the current name.
- we are going with "points-in-aou"
Explain the implementation; "degreeDistanceOutside" seems flawed due to meridian convergence. What is this? The formula in 7.6.1 given: distance_outside_bbox_km = sqrt(cos(radians(DataLat)))110deltaLon)^2 + (110*deltaLat)^2); But maybe elastic returns the degrees somehow? In the example there is a point that is 58.964 degrees outside that then is mapped to 6520km. That I don't understand because it seems too much, particular at 80N but even on the equator. It seems you may have gotten distance in degrees somehow and multiplied by 110.57km per degree - but why?
- we will use Bert's formula
The response would be clearer if as suggested below:
- remove "degreeDistanceOutside";
- remove SuccessPoints as output;
- change "failedPoints" to "bboxFailedPoints";
- change "maxDistKmOutside" to "maxDistKmOutsideBBox";
- add a zero based index of the failed points into the input array (unless that is complicated to do); I assume index is zero based in OSDU but if it is 1 based then use that. i.e., failed=inputpoints[index];
- round all distances to nearest 1km (integer). Ensure points exactly at the boundary are counted as PASS (within ~0.5km). -- Add in the document if 0 based index or 1 based
Confirm that if "bboxFailedPoints" is an empty list then "maxDistKmOutsideBBox" = 0 by definition (i.e. the caller can rely on using 0 to check). -
The following test fails; I do not know why. CRS 3851 has a specific bbox spanning the antimeridian.
"recordId": "osdu:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:Projected:EPSG::3851",
"points": [
"latitude": -40,
"longitude": 175
"latitude": -40,
"longitude": -175
"latitude": -55,
"longitude": 159.6
"latitude": -40,
"longitude": -170.2
"code": 400,
"reason": "Bad Request",
"message": "Record has coordinate value with invalid amount of points. Query: id: \"osdu:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:Projected:EPSG::3851\""
Example request and suggested changes to the response body
"recordId": "osdu:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:Geographic2D:EPSG::4204",
"points": [
"latitude": 16,
"longitude": 34
"latitude": 16.5,
"longitude": 34.1
"latitude": 16.5,
"longitude": 35.8
"latitude": 80.1,
"longitude": 90
Current Response
"successfulPoints": [
"latitude": 16.5,
"longitude": 35.8
"failedPoints": [
"point": {
"latitude": 16.0,
"longitude": 34.0
"approximateKmDistanceOutside": 69.67,
"degreeDistanceOutside": 0.63
"point": {
"latitude": 16.5,
"longitude": 34.1
"approximateKmDistanceOutside": 45.335,
"degreeDistanceOutside": 0.41
"point": {
"latitude": 80.1,
"longitude": 90.0
"approximateKmDistanceOutside": 6519.922,
"degreeDistanceOutside": 58.964
"maxDistKmOutside": 6519.922
Suggested response:
"bboxFailedPoints": [
"point": {
"latitude": 16.0,
"longitude": 34.0
"index": 0,
"approximateKmDistanceOutside": 70,
"point": {
"latitude": 16.5,
"longitude": 34.1
"index": 1,
"approximateKmDistanceOutside": 45,
"point": {
"latitude": 80.1,
"longitude": 90.0
"index": 3,
"approximateKmDistanceOutside": 6520,
"maxDistKmOutsideBBox": 6520
Edited by Bert Kampes