CRS Catalog APIs need to retrieve values from Reference data CoordinateReferenceSystem and CoordinateTransformation
The openAPI CRS Catalog APIs currently retrieve information from a catalog file, for example to obtain a list of Coordinate Reference Systems. This is a legacy solution and now incorrect, i.e., the geodetic information in OSDU is stored as reference data CoordinateReferenceSystem and CoordinateTransformation.
Developers could use the Search API to retrieve any information but because the dedicated CRS Catalog API is there the EA and PMC desire is to keep this platform service (CRS Catalog APIs). Hence the required change is that these APIs either directly or indirectly retrieve the information from the reference data such that the same source is used.
- Search for CRS entries in Reference data - POST {{search_api_url}}/query
"kind": "{{data-partition-id}}:wks:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:1.0.0",
"query": "id:\"odesprod:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:Geographic2D:EPSG::4267\"",
"limit": 20
- Leverage CRS Catalog service GET {{CRSCatalog_HOST}}/crs?limit=2300
Edited by Bert Kampes