Bug: POST /projects/{id}/lifecycleevent takes wrong payload. Issues with logic are also possible.
Look at the below Swagger. The provided example payload is wrong.
Acceptance criteria
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Testing scenarios
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Technical notes
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- Validate payload fields againts AbstractCollaborationLifecycleEvent.1.0.0
- Payload should not include EventId - generated and check unique
- Datetime should not be included in request - generated
- Apply ResourceIDs array / WIPResourceIDs and create Storage record ResourceCollectionID / WIP ResourceCollectionIds under the hood
- Create ENUM for reserved names (OPEN, CREATED, CLOSED, RESOURCES_ADDED, RESOURCES_DELETED, WIP_RESOURCES_ADDED, WIP_RESOURCES_DELETED, PUBLISH - Human readable Camel case), and support custom input
Edited by Dmitrii Novikov (EPAM)