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Add cache for entitlements authorize mechanism

Alok Joshi requested to merge cache_ent into master

Type of change

  • Enhancement via caching response from Entitlements service's getGroups() API call

Does this introduce a change in the core logic?

  • [YES]

Does this introduce a change in the cloud provider implementation, if so which cloud?

  • [NO]

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [NO]

What is the current behavior?

  • The authorization filter implementation always calls Entitlements. This is inefficient as we can introduce a cache.

What is the new/expected behavior?

  • Utilize cache

Have you added/updated Unit Tests and Integration Tests?

  • Yes

Any other useful information

  • Cache expiration is randomized between 30 and 60 seconds (jittering)

Merge request reports
