Unable to download the file
File download fails if file name contains the special character like ","
Steps to reproduce
- Generate a signedurl to upload a file (tesing,copy).
- Upload a file
- create a file metadata and use same filename (tesing,copy)
- Generate a signedurl to download a file
- Copy and paste the signedurl in browser
Error notice on bowser - <storage-url> sent an invalid response. ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
Proposed Solutions
- File service - wrap quotes to file name before passing it to OS Core Lib Azure OR
- OS Core Lib Azure - Below changes in BlobStore class of OS Core Lib Azure repo.
blobServiceSasSignatureValues.setContentDisposition("attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"")
Edited by Sachin Jaiswal