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Update the stale documentation in the source tree.

Paal Kvamme requested to merge kvamme62/staledoc into master

The OpenZGY documentation is generated by Doxygen, so the latest version can be found in the build output. How to download this is a bit tricky. So for those that just want a quick preview there is a version checked in to the source tree. This needs to be updated ever so often.

After we got the gitlab CI/CD set up it is somewhat easier to access the latest version since you at least don't need to download and build the entire project. So I am removing 6 of the 8 versions, leaving only the PDF version of the public API. I have also added a suitable warning in the documentation main page and in a separate

At some point the documentation built on gitlab might be deployed to a proper web server that allows the html version to be displayed online. If and when that happens the last two pdfs can be removed.

I will need at least two commits. The first one to rebuild the documentation including the new warning and the second one to commit the pdf files.

Edited by Paal Kvamme

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