Implement CRUD endpoints to manage Gas Composition data
Implement POST/api/rafs-ddms/gascomposition/{record_id}/data is implemented and available on Swagger
- record_id is the SamplesAnalysis WPC which was created previously
- User should be able to fill the SamplesAnalysis report with measurements taken in this analysis
- Successful response (200 status code) should update SamplesAnalysis record and include DDMSDatasets array with GET endpoint to the linked bulk data of gascomposition
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Request & response structure should correspond to populated JSON
Implement GET/api/rafs-ddms/gascomposition/{record_id}/data endpoint is implemented and available on Swagger
- record_id is the SamplesAnalysis WPC
- User should be able to retrieve bulk data of gascomposition using new endpoint
- Successful response (200 status code) should retrieve all existing gascomposition Measurements (bulk data) linked to specified record id (SamplesAnalysis WPC)
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Structure of request and response should correspond to populated JSON content schema
Edited by Raghd Gadrbouh