Implement CRUD endpoints to manage Whole Oil Gas Chromatography data
Implement POST/api/rafs-ddms/samplesanalysis/data/wholeoilgaschromotography is implemented and available on Swagger
- record_id is the SamplesAnalysis WPC which was created previously
- User should be able to fill the SamplesAnalysis report with measurements taken in this analysis
- Successful response (200 status code) should update SamplesAnalysis record and include DDMSDatasets array with GET endpoint to the linked bulk data of wholeoilgaschromotography
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Request & response structure should correspond to populated JSON
Implement GET/api/rafs-ddms/samplesanalysis/data/wholeoilgaschromotography is implemented and available on Swagger
- record_id is the SamplesAnalysis WPC
- User should be able to retrieve bulk data of wholeoilgaschromotography new endpoint
- Successful response (200 status code) should retrieve all existing wholeoilgaschromotography Measurements (bulk data) linked to specified record id (SamplesAnalysis WPC)
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Structure of request and response should correspond to JSON content schema provided by CGG
The reference data schema and reference data values for the WholeOilGasChromatogorophyCompounds to be used in content schema:
Edited by Mykhailo Buriak