Implement endpoints to manage formation resistivity index (data)
Implement POST/api/rafs-ddms/formationresistivityindex/{record_id}/data is implemented and available on Swagger
- record_id is the SamplesAnalysis WPC which was created previously
- User should be able to fill the SamplesAnalysis report with measurements taken in this analysis
- Successful response (200 status code) should update SamplesAnalysis record and include DDMSDatasets array with GET endpoint to the linked bulk data of formationresistivityindex
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Request & response structure should correspond to populated JSON
Implement GET/api/rafs-ddms/formationresistivityindex/{record_id}/data endpoint is implemented and available on Swagger
- record_id is the SamplesAnalysis WPC
- User should be able to retrieve bulk data of formationresistivityindex using new endpoint
- Successful response (200 status code) should retrieve all existing formationresistivityindex Measurements (bulk data) linked to specified record id (SamplesAnalysis WPC)
- Validation cases should be covered with appropriate status codes
- Structure of request and response should correspond to populated JSON content schema
Click to expand
"SamplesAnalysisID": "osdu:work-product-component--SamplesAnalysisID:dd76cf6c-226f-5636-ad1b-1ca0f8249cc8",
"SampleID": "osdu:master-data--Samples:6b",
"BrineSaturation": {
"Value": 0.797,
"UnitOfMeasure": "opendes:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:%25"
"ResistivityIndex": 1.73,
"AdjustedResistivityIndex": 1.77,
"SaturationExponent": 2.42,
"CorrectedSaturationExponent": 2.53,
"FormationFactorAtNetOverburdenPressure": 6.87,
"AdjustedFormationFactorAtNetOverburnedPressure": 7.27,
"BrineSalinity": {
"Value": 22000,
"UnitOfMeasure": "opendes:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:ppm"
"QuantityOfOilInTheVolume": {
"Value": 0.113,
"UnitOfMeasure": "opendes:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:mL/mL"
Edited by Mykhailo Buriak