Add missing functionality of discovery protocol
The current server version is missing the following features for the DiscoveryProtocol
- includeSecondaryTargets: If true, the initial candidate set of nodes is expanded with, targets (depth=1) of secondary relationships of nodes in the initial candidate set of nodes. The edges for these secondary relationships are also included. NOTE: This flag and includeSecondarySources MUST be applied "simultaneously" (not in sequence) so the candidate set is expanded once, not twice. Default=false
- includeSecondarySources: If true, the initial candidate set of nodes is expanded with sources (depth=1) of secondary relationships of nodes in the initial candidate set of nodes. The edges for these secondary relationships are also included. NOTE: This flag and includeSecondaryTargets MUST be applied "simultaneously" (not in sequence) so the candidate set is expanded once, not twice. Default=false
- IncludeEdges: If true, the store returns "edges" (relationships between the nodes as defined in Edge ) in GetResourcesEdgesResponse messages (in addition to the nodes (data objects) in the GetResourcesResponse messages). Default is false.
- GetDeletedResources: Used to discover data objects that have been deleted (which are sometimes called "tombstones").